How to Create a Video Slideshow on Your Facebook Page

It’s all about video when it comes to reaching a large audience on social media.  Facebook Live videos give the best reach, but filming them on a regular basis may not fit your schedule.  You can hire a videographer, but it might not fit your budget.

Creating slideshow videos is the easiest solution to create videos.  And Facebook has this feature built into your business page.

Here’s a video tutorial, or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

  • Go to your Facebook Page.
  • Go to the status box where it says, “Write something…”
  • Click on Photo/Video
  • In the menu, click on “Create Slideshow”.
  • In the pop-up, choose 3–10 images for your slideshow. Choose from photos already posted on your Page or upload new images. Click on the “Add Photos” button or the “+” sign at the bottom.
  • Choose your Settings for the slideshow. Select the Aspect Ratio. I recommend choosing “Square” so you can use this video on Instagram too. Set an Image Duration of 1 to 5 seconds. This is how long each image is seen in the video. I usually select two or three seconds for my slideshows. If you like, you can set the Transition to Fade.
  • Click “Music” at the top to choose music for your slideshow. You can upload music by clicking the “Upload” video. The supported formats are WAV, MP3, M4A, FLAC and OGG. You must have all legal rights necessary to use the song. Usually, this means you licensed the song for use with your slideshow, or own the rights to it. Facebook also offers free, royalty-free music you can use in your slideshow.
  • Click the “Create Slideshow” button at the bottom of the pop-up. Within 2 minutes your slideshow ad will be published on your Page. You may need to reload your Page to see it.
Create Facebook Slideshow

Click the “Publish” button or click on the dropdown arrow to “Schedule” the post for a future time.

And you’re done! Use these videos for all of your social media profiles, download them and upload them to YouTube, create Facebook video ads…

The possibilities are endless.  Even better, train your assistant on how to do this and you’ll increase your marketing reach AND free up your time.

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