Signing up a new client is an art and science. You already know your service inside and out and love what you’re selling (hopefully!). The science of sales includes a step-by-step process to gaining clients. The art of sales is adjusting that process to fit your prospect, as well as establishing credibility and earning their trust to be their service provider.
Are you someone that feels that selling is sleazy and tacky? The old-school tactics were disingenuous. You can stand with your core values and refuse to sell that way.
The first step is changing how YOU perceive your next discovery call.
The act of selling is an exchange between two people. One person gives something, physical or intangible, to another in order for them to receive money You can then can use that money on whatever you want — paying rent or mortgage, buying food, or going on a vacation. There’s no reason to feel ashamed for wanting money instead of trading for a pig, clothing, or whatever you would have bartered for before the use of money.
Reframe your thinking to:
- Selling is solving a problem for my clients
- Selling is serving them in the best way possible
You care about your clients and want to provide them with the best service possible, but you won’t have any clients to work with if you don’t make a sale.
It’s not enough to simply have something that people want — you must also be able to show them how your service can help their businesses or personal lives.
You’re the one who helps your customer decide on what is right for them. You act as their decision coach and may be able to influence future business decisions because of this role in helping someone choose wisely.
The sales process can be a lengthy one and it begins with finding suitable leads before making an offer.
In our sales courses in LIFT, our online coaching community, we focus on key communication skills that help build relationships successfully so you are able to sell your product or service more effectively.
In order words: the beginning of any successful relationship is based on first establishing trust which starts with active listening, asking powerful questions, and building rapport.
One of my worst mistakes, and the biggest lesson for me, was diving into telling my prospect what my packages were without assessing their needs first.
Sales is an integral part of your business. You will be able to use these skills in many different situations. You might find yourself using them for Zoom meetings or webinars, one-on-ones with current clients, as well as group presentations and workshops.
You can also adapt your services to new target markets. Maybe you’ve only been working with individual clients on their nutritional planning, but you have a new prospect who works in the HR department for a company you admire. What if you sold a series of workshops to that business?
Having powerful, heart-centered sales skills will carry you through changes in the economy and open new doors for your business.
When you are always looking out for the best interests of your clients, you’ll find yourself attracting more clients with these skills no matter where or when.
What’s your first step in developing your sales skills?