Hi Reader I’ll get back to writing/social media/marketing in September… 👋 It’s 11pm and I’m waiting for Cory to arrive any minute from his 4-week trip galivanting😁through England and Greece. The main reason he went to Greece was to attend the final program of the founder of Productive Learning, based on The Odyssey, before the founder’s retirement. Cory’s been posting almost daily on his personal Facebook profile. But I’m really looking forward to the insights Cory’s experienced from traveling solo for a month, what he learned from his teacher, and what he learned about himself. I’ve been on my own journey of supporting our neurodivergent daughter. (If you have any resources or recommendations for sensory processing disorder or a private occupational therapist specializing in sensory integration, please send them to me. Thank you!) I’ve also writing again. I stopped because I was too busy. I stopped waking up early. I had too much to do. I was trying to continue to write the way I used to. Instead of trying something new, I just stopped. And then I decided to just post on IG and write whatever was on my mind. Maybe it would tie into business, but I didn’t force it. I know that there’s going to be a nugget of business advice, because I’m a business owner. Whatever I’m experiencing, another business owner out there has, is, or will experience something like that too. Once I got out of my way with the shoulds, the writing flowed. Sometimes prompts help me. I just update the September writing prompts and I’d like to share the PDF with you. Write every day or choose one a week. Keep it just for yourself or expand it into social media, an article, video, or podcast. Click here or the image below to instantly get access to the PDF. And let me know what you think. Would you like me to send a new calendar every month? Be well, Gail Beltran Nott Would you like to work on your social media & marketing together? Check out LIFT Social Media for $15/month>> |