One of the quickest and easiest ways to increase your income is to teach what you know to your current clients. Remember this powerful business concept: it’s much easier to sell ten products to one customer than it is to go out and find 10 buyers.
Talk to your customers and do a bit of research in your niche. Find out what your clients need during this difficult time. What else are they struggling with? What’s the next step they can take and how can you help them?
Decide on one course idea that’s fun for you and helpful for your clients.
You’ll find that it’s much easier and quicker to create a second program than it was to work on the first. You know what you’re doing now. It will get even easier the third and fourth time around.
Plan to create a whole series of courses that help your customers reach their ultimate end goal.
For example, once you’ve taught your clients everything you know about writing blogs, branch out into social media or copywriting. If you’re teaching them about how to properly set up their Quickbooks account, consider branching out into budgeting, or how to analyze their financial statements.
Finish each course and get it up for sale. Then email your list of existing customers about it. You may be surprised at how many clients sign up for your course, but remember that you researched what they wanted before you created it. Your course meets their needs. And in these trying times, it might better fit their budget as well.
Of course the benefits of adding a new course don’t end there. Start promoting the second program the way you did the first. Send an offer for it out to your list of leads. Mention it on social media. Link to it from existing content on your blog. Ask your referral partners if they will mention it in their newsletters.
People who weren’t interested in your first course may sign up for the next one, resulting in even higher profits and customer satisfaction.